Together - Helping your local community through volunteering.
Project name

Together - Helping your local community through volunteering.

Project goal

Design an app that streamlines volunteering activities and speed up the back and forth communication between volunteers and their local non-profit volunteering programs.

Together is an app that lets you provide a helping hand to others through volunteering. With "together", you are making a difference in people's lives and provides vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community.

Role & duration
User Research, UI and UX Designer | June - July 2022
Research study details

Research outcomes

As I did my research on volunteering and volunteering apps, I also conducted an online survey to better understand the users I'm designing for and their needs. I was also able to gain insights and determine the type of gap "Together" can fill.
Few of the major insights are as follows:
  1. Generally, people wants to do good in the world and help make a difference.
  2. People likes the idea of having a volunteering app which makes them easier to communicate, sign up and interact with their local NGO's. It saves them time and allows them to apply for a particular cause anytime, anywhere.
  3. Volunteering can have a real and valuable positive affect on people, communities and society in general.
Persona: together
User Journey Map:
User Journey: together
Initial design concepts

Wireframing and prototyping

To outline all the necessary functionality, I created a simple flow diagram that shows the main tasks the user can do. It gives a better understanding of the user experience architecture behind the product.
Together User flow
After I established the Flow Diagram, I started drafting some paper wireframes and translating them into lo-fidelity mockups.
Once the mockups are done, I started working with the high fidelity designs. There are times when I'm not satisfied with the outcome so I ask for help by having a testing phase to get the point of view of other people.
Test phase

Usability testing

I tested the prototype to see how user friendly the application is. Testing helps me decide how to refine my mockups based on the feedback that users will provide. Testing also proves whether the potential solution I've been designing addresses the community problem I'm trying to solve.

I keep on iterating my design until the aesthetic and functionality matches the user's needs.



People genuinely want to make a positive difference in the world, but due to time constraints or resources, they are having a hard time. By having a volunteering app, it's an excellent opportunity to make a difference right at the tip of their fingers.

Seeing technology being used for something that can make a direct impact on people's lives means a lot to me. Organisations should utilise the potential of social networking to make kindness go viral. If we can create a network where people are addicted to kindness, can you imagine what that would do?

And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading this far. ♡